Somehow I lost my password or my sign in or something and couldn't get on here for a while. I think I've got it all figured out again. That means that my posts should be more regular again. Sorry for the inconvenience to those that have been trying to read my messages. I'll try to keep a bit more current, I promise.
That being said, here's what's going on for this pastor recently. In October my wife and I became foster parents. We've seen four children come into our household so far and one leave to go live with family. The three we have right now are 2, 3, and 6, two boys and a girl and all siblings. I'm finding that at 43, I'm not as young as I thought I was. LOL! It's been joyous and challenging. I've seen moments of God's grace in the children and in how others have reacted to the children. I am blessed beyond my own recognition at times. Of course, I would be remiss as a husband if I didn't mention that this was mostly my wife's idea and I give her all the credit in the world for how successful it's been. She is a pure nurturer. She gets up in the morning with the kids, gets them off to school and daycare, picks them up after she's done work, changes all the dirty diapers; she really does it all. All I have to do is be a goof ball daddy and horse around with the kids every once in a while.
My 22 (soon to be 23) year old daughter is seriously considering moving out. Not because of the fosters, she loves them as much as her mother does. No, she's thinking about getting an apartment with her girlfriend because she took a new job that's an hour drive away. While I don't consider it a hard thing to let her go, I want her to succeed and I'm wary of the financial burdens she'll be taking on by living on her own. I'd ask all prayer warriors to keep her in prayer.
I'm still working with my district ordained ministry committee and looking toward probationary membership in the conference in the near future. I've got a new mentor and we're planning with focus and intention, something that I've not had from previous mentors.
Well, that's enough catch up. I'll begin posting some of my previous sermons soon so that folks can catch up on those. Right now we're in the middle of a series called "Confronting the Controversies" based on the book by Adam Hamilton of the same name. Looking forward to a visit to the Hancock's Bridge church by Dr. Tony Campolo on Feb 17. Till my next post, farewell!
Prepare the Way for the Lord [Paperback]
1 month ago